Do you face challenges that don’t lend themselves to obvious or straightforward solutions? Is hard work not paying off for you anymore? Do you need new insights to move your business forward? Do you worry that your ideas are not worth the investment of time and energy required to bring them to fruition? You may need to become more creative in your business problem solving.
Creativity is the formation of something original, either tangible, such as work of art, or intangible, such as an idea. Creativity can be applied to descriptions, to how we see the world. It can be applied to problem solving and it can be used to design new things. Mastering creativity opens up a whole new world of possibilities. It enlists your imagination as an effective problem solving tool.
While this workshop series is business-focused, it adds another dimension of thought often missing from practical disciplines. Anyone who wants to find and develop a new business idea will benefit from it.
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