Destroying David is a thrilling, emotionally charged journey where art and personal tragedy collide. What begins as an intriguing exploration of Michelangelo’s masterpiece soon takes a dramatic turn as an enigmatic Art Restorer intertwines the statue’s fascinating history with their own deeply personal story.
As the play progresses, the audience is drawn into a gripping revelation: the Restorer is grappling with a profound heartache, and they have orchestrated a private tour for our audiences with a shocking intention—to confront their own pain by targeting the most celebrated symbol of artistic perfection: Michelangelo’s David – and destroying it.
Destroying David is a high-stakes narrative about the lengths one will go to heal, the raw power of grief, and the transformative impact of both destruction and creation. This riveting story kicks off Circle Theatre’s 44th Season by examining perceptions of beauty, resilience, and the quest for redemption, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats as they witness firsthand the confrontation between artistry and anguish.
*contains adult language and situations*