Musical Storytelling: Spano Conducts Scheherazade and The Rite of Spring

Home / Events / Musical Storytelling: Spano Conducts Scheherazade and The Rite of Spring

Who doesn’t love the story of 1,001 Arabian Nights? In Scheherazade, Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov used the full might of the symphony orchestra to retell a few of those tales. Heavy […]

Who doesn’t love the story of 1,001 Arabian Nights? In Scheherazade, Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov used the full might of the symphony orchestra to retell a few of those tales. Heavy brass portray the sultan while a violin solo spins out the beginning of each of Scheherazade’s tales. Balancing the program is another of music’s most famous tales, Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, a ferocious story of sacrifice and rebirth where the orchestra and dancers share the stage.

BACHTALES WITH BUDDY | 1 Hour Before Concert
Before each symphonic concert, FWSO Principal Keyboard Buddy Bray offers a pre-concert lecture to dive deeper into the works, their history, and other fun concert-related facts. Bachtales with Buddy is free for all ticket holders.

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